Pitra Dosh Nivaram

Manes are known as Pitra in Hindi. Pitra are those people who died unnatural death and did not get salvation. Due to this, people perform remedies for the pacification of Pitra Dosha.

Pitra Dosh Nivaran

Manes are known as Pitra in Hindi. Pitra are those people who died unnatural death and did not get salvation. Due to this, people perform remedies for the pacification of Pitra Dosha. Pitra dosh causes all kinds of problem to the person whose reasons are very hard for one to understand. Pitra Dosha is formed if anyone in the family dies unnatural death or it happens many times. It can also happen if family members do not offer water and food to their manes or do not remember their manes in the spiritual activities. Pitra Dosha occurs if no one in the family is interested to perform spiritual tasks or if any family member kills a cow or destroys a foetus in the womb. In these situations, Sun and Rahu form conjunction in the ninth house in the birth chart of that person who is afflicted by Pitra Dosha.

Effects of Pitra Dosh

  • One keeps failing in business/his work
  • One may not be able to extend his family to the next generation; family starts getting smaller
  • One's things keep getting sold off for lack of money
  • Obstacles in education and delay in growth of career or no improvement in financial situation of either self or children
  • Accidents or sudden deaths in the family
  • Mental sub- normality in the child
  • Inherited diseases and prolonged illness to the family members
  • People suffering from” Pitra Dosh” regularly remains under the debts and are unable to clear their debt despite all their efforts
  • People suffering from “Pitra Dosh” have to face problems regarding their marriage. Despite all their efforts, they are unable to get marry on time due to “Pitra Dosh”

Charges of Tantrik Pitra Nivaran Kriya is Rs. 7,501/- (Seven Thousand Five hundred one only) Which includes:

  • Keep chanting the name of all Gods and Goddesses and it should start with chaning the name of Lord Ganesha
  • Install a Kalash having water
  • Pranprathistha of the Pitra Dosh Nivaran Yantra
  • Sodosupchar Puja
  • Recitation of the most powerful ‘Tantrik’ mantras
  • Offer sweets and flowers
  • Havan
  • Purnahuti
  • Offer stuff to the needy people after performing pooja

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